Mother do not deny me my fundamental human rights to life
For I deserve same as yours
Do not deprive me the essence of life’s privileges
And use not my cradle blood as paint over this hospital walls
For my demise will not dilute the pain you feel now
And the pre-planned murder you’re trying to craft out will do all but induce your agony
For your protruded tummy may not be what you initially wanted it to be
But believe me my existence is a blessing and no curse
And the earlier you try not to flush out my race through contraceptives and control pills
The stronger our ties are umblically connected
I know you feel contempt for your actions
I know your heart pulses to the beat of rejection
I know your ears are more inclined to the words of men than the well being of my existence
I know I am nothing but a bin of shame you wish to lay off at the refuse dump of any nearby clinic
And the man I am yet to call Father left you like an abandoned project
Do not neglect your role as Mother
And do not terminate this feotus of me
For my birth will mute the voices of those who wish I were done away with
Feed me that which you feed on
Be it tears or laughter
For we shall convert liquid to solid
It all depends on you now
By Ofem Ubi