A Cry From the Deep
The stars dangled in the sky, casting silver shadows so that the night air glowed. It was cold. The villagers did not seem to mind. Children…
Short Poem – When I Die
When I die, People will pick up their phones, And begin asking how I died, And yet they never picked up their phones To call me…
Poem: Idara
g She cried Make-up smeared Clothes in disarray Incessantly, she cried. He moaned Rhythmically thrusting A “press-up” exercise In ecstacy, he moaned. She fought Nails dug…
Story: Paint, Ink, Blood
Mayen felt nothing. And it was the worst feeling she had had in a while. No, it was the worst feeling she had had in her…
Poem: Mother Tongue
It is amazing how unique every language sounds From the easy to speak to the difficult to pronounce Languages are one of God’s masterpieces Sounding on…
Poem: Hell Shall Thy
So here i sit, On a hostel bed carelessly maltreated by its customers As my thoughts begin to get obsessed with the idea The idea of…
Poem: Dear Eve, I Will Wait
DEAR EVE(I WILL WAIT) Dear Eve., I know we haven’t met yet but At night the organs of my thoughts bed wet with fear Every morning…
Short Story: Gone
My bag is packed, she says in her mind, but I can hear her loud and clear. The most beautiful creature I’ve ever laid my turquoise…
Short Story: Gray
I looked at her for as long as I can remember. Beautiful box braids I wish I could afford to make for myself. Her finger nails…
Run Away, Love
It takes a heart to love, stay away from it until you’re ready, he said. I think he forgot to add, that it also takes a…
The Hard Life
Some days #200 was hard enough for him to get. #200 could be his transportation fare, meal and even entertainment for an entire day. Life wasn’t…
What’s The Best Thing In The World
What’s the best thing in the world? June-rose, by May-dew impearled; Sweet south-wind, that means no rain; Truth, not cruel to a friend; Pleasure, not in…