Great is he that lives by dreams
And he who lives not to dream for himself
Stops not to have a break
For consistency is what gets you great.
Think of the founding fathers of Africa
In the likes of Nelson Mandela of South Africa,
Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Jumo Kenyata of Kenya,
Balewa Tawafa of Nigeria, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana.
Such are the kind of leaders Africa needs.
But greed, selfishness, and self centeredness
Have become the order of the day.
But by the vision of one man Barack Obama, for Africa
That you and I are here in ASCON.
It behoves on you and I
To milk the juice of YALI
And build the Africa we desire.
Your vision, her commitment,
His passion and my support.
Are the nutrients that nurture Africa.
The future of the continent is in our hands
And we ought to change it now for the better.
By Philip Tengzu