The Blackness of Eru
Have you read The Blackness of Eru yet?
Ngunan Ioron Aloho is a social activist, an educator, an entrepreneur, a writer, a YALI Fellow, and so much more. Ngunan has fought and sacrificed a lot as a social activist, defending and helping child marriage victims. In the Blackness of Eru, Ngunan will take you on a sad but short journey to witness the life of a young girl who suffers the pain and burdens of early child birth in which she is not prepared for.
We, at Blankpaperz are very proud of Ngunan for using words to tell stories that matter the most.
I Need Feminism
I need feminism because I’m tired of hearing pastors and bishops telling women that they are irresponsible for been single at 35 years old
I need feminism because I hate it when my president thinks a woman’s place lies in the kitchen.
I need feminism because my worth and esteem as a human is not and can never be tied to my MASCULINITY
I need feminism because I hate it when the male gender makes choices for the female gender
I need feminism because emotion doesn’t ask or care about your gender
I need feminism because I don’t want to find an excuse to justify rape
Why do you need feminism?