I bring the baby from the womb
I prepare the body for the tomb
I take away the sickness through prescription
You all stay alive because of my decision
I have been so benevolent to the society
Why now should I be in parity?
Who stands for you in court
So you are not thrown in jail to rot
Your rights, I defend
Where there is wrong, I amend
At all times I be there for you
Yet my integrity like meat you chew.
How do you go to your place of work
Do you ride or do you walk
I reduce the death rate
By making your roads smooth and straight
I make you move over rivers without boats nor canoes
How now should my doings not be good news.
All of it, I taught you all
Aside, teaching you how to pave your downfall
Searching for the bigger grain of salt at where it lay
Is an epitome of your doings so I may say
Laying waste your powers and time for the name of best
When truly none is better than the rest
We suffered not to stay silent
But to help develop your talent
Why now should you all swank
When it’s God you should thank
For his mercies and wisdom
For life and making you what you have become.
(from my book “slicing of rain drops”)
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